Pertochem Canada Conference, Session A: Planning Successful Turnarounds (Case Studies)
Managing Radiation with Small Controlled Area Radiography
Presenter: Jason Creaser, Director Canada East & Nuclear
What is SCAR?
SCAR, also known as Small Controlled Area Radiography, is a technique used to control and manage radiation in confined spaces during radiographic testing. By employing various exposure devices or isotopes and implementing shielding, it is feasible to reduce radiography exposure limits in a secure and regulated manner, while guaranteeing superior image quality.
The primary benefits of this technology include enhanced efficiency, superior quality, and heightened safety. Typically, the release of radiation necessitates the clearing of a large region including the radiation source, the operators, and all those in the vicinity. The SCAR approach is derived from the close proximity radiography system and effectively resolves this issue, enabling the lowering of evacuation zones to around 5 to 6 feet (around 1.5 meters).
What are the advantages of using SCAR?
Cost Savings:
Summary of SCAR
Reduced Exclusion Zone:
Cost Savings:
Optimized Efficiency
Image Quality
Applus+ has SCAR expertise in the following industries: Oil and Gas, Pulp and Paper, Nuclear, and Mining.
About Jason Creaser:
With a rich background of over 16 years at Applus+, Jason holds an impressive array of qualifications, including CGSB RT3, PT3, MT3, UT2, CWB2, and PCN PAUT 2 certifications. His involvement in significant projects such as the refurbishments at PLNGS, Bruce Power units 1, 2, 3, and 6, and Darlington unit 2, showcase his capability to handle complex and high-stake tasks. Additionally, Jason has been instrumental in spearheading an advanced radiography division and the development of RAZAR. Jason is highly capable at demonstrating his remarkable ability to lead and innovate across multiple facets of the NDE world.