Applus+ A2M Industries

A2M Industry, S.A.S. was founded in Fraisses (St. Etienne), France, in 1994. Since 2019, it has been part of Applus+ Laboratories.

Applus+ A2MI is an accredited and independent laboratory for materials testing.

Applus+ A2MI’s services include specimen preparation, material testing, metal analyses and special mechanical tests. The laboratory serves national and international customers from various industries such as Aerospace, Nuclear, Materials, and Petrochemical.


Applus+ A2MI is ISO 17025 accredited by COFRAC for mechanical, chemical and metallographic testing. It has also been accredited by SAFRAN (formerly SNECMA) since it was founded. In 2017, Applus+ A2MI also received the NADCAP accreditation for the aerospace sector.


  • Mechanical tests
  • Metallographic analysis
  • Machining workshop
  • Chemical analysis
  • Special custom tests
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Applus+ A2MI is an accredited and independent laboratory for materials testing which includes specimen preparation, material testing, metal analyses and special mechanical tests.

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