Applus+ contributes to the development of Line 3 of the Panama Metro


    The province of Panama Oeste is preparing for a significant transformation with the implementation of the Line 3 project of the Panama Metro, an ambitious initiative that promises to improve the quality of life for more than half a million residents in the area. In this context, Applus+ is proud to contribute to the development of this important project by providing specialized services in geotechnical instrumentation.

    The Line 3 project of the Panama Metro involves the construction of a railway line that will extend from Albrook Station to Ciudad del Futuro in Arraiján, with a subsequent expansion phase to Chorrera. Spanning 25 kilometers, this line will offer an efficient and modern public transportation alternative for the inhabitants of the province.

    Applus+ plays a crucial role in the project by ensuring the structural integrity of the stations through continuous supervision and supervision and quality control of geotechnical and stability parameters. Our services include the assessment of geological risks and the implementation of mitigation strategies to address potential challenges during construction.

    The main risks associated with the project include evaluating ground conditions and characterizing geotechnical events. To mitigate these risks, Applus+ employs advanced automated monitoring techniques, along with the implementation of online early warning systems.

    The expected benefits of the project include the real-time detection and prevention of construction problems, leading to cost reduction by minimizing associated risks. Applus+ is committed to communicating and disseminating the project's progress and results through periodic reports and delivering updates according to the established contract timelines. Additionally, Applus+ has made available to the client the use of the cloud-based SIGTUN+ monitoring platform (developed in-house).

    With its experience and commitment to excellence, Applus+ continues to be a trusted partner in the execution of large-scale infrastructure projects such as Line 3 of the Panama Metro, thereby contributing to the sustainable development and progress of the region.

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