Applus+ participates in a FPSO repair and maintenance project in Brazil


    In partnership with a prominent client, Applus+ leads a specialized project in the repair and maintenance of a Floating Production, Storage, and Offloading (FPSO) floating unit tank. This contract entails the availability of a highly qualified workforce, including welders, boilermakers, welding inspectors, and IRATA N3 supervisors, focusing on critical activities to ensure certification and approval by the ABS classifier.

    Repair and maintenance activities for upstream oil and gas cargo tanks are essential to address anomalies identified during vessel inspections. The main objective of this project is to execute necessary repairs to obtain the certificate of regularity for FPSO operation.

    The project takes place on the FPSO, a floating vessel that concludes its operation in the Campos Basin, Brazil. The project commenced in December 2022 and is estimated to finish in March 2024. This schedule aligns with the vessel recycling plan in Denmark in 2024, requiring compliance with strict international maritime safety regulations.

    Specific activities include multidisciplinary repairs using rope access to address critical areas in the cargo tanks. Risk mitigation is a priority, especially in terms of occupational safety, as IRATA professionals perform their duties suspended by ropes. Applus+, with its experience in such executions, maintains high standards of training and constant surveillance to minimize the possibility of incidents.

    These works are expected to obtain ABS certification for international navigation by addressing all corrections noted during tank inspections. Upon completion of the code compliance inspection project, the FPSO will have all its tanks in conformity and will hold ABS certification for navigation in international waters.

    Communication and dissemination of progress and results are well planned, highlighting compliance with ABS classifier requirements and allowing the vessel to move towards Denmark for green disposal, in line with the client's plans.

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