Applus+ participates in Energyear Colombia 2024: boosting the sustainable energy transition


    Applus+, a leader in inspection, testing, and consulting solutions, announces its participation in Energyear 2024, the most prominent event in the Colombian energy market. The congress will be held in Colombia, a country recognized for its human potential and valuable natural resources, which have made it a benchmark in the development of renewable and sustainable energies.

    Applus+ participation in Energyear 2024 reaffirms its commitment to energy transition and sustainability. At the congress, Applus+ will present its innovative solutions and services for renewable energies that contribute to energy security and infrastructure development in Colombia, through its brands Enertis Applus+ and Barlovento Applus+. The Applus+ group is committed to helping Colombia overcome its energy challenges by providing advanced technology and expertise to improve interconnection, energy storage, and the implementation of renewable energy projects.

    Applus+ will play a prominent role at Energyear 2024 as the moderator of the panel "Construction: challenges, obstacles, and innovations in the efficient construction of solar projects in Colombia," scheduled for 5:00 PM on May 29. This panel will be an essential platform for discussing best practices, current challenges, and innovations in the construction of solar projects in the country, with the participation of industry experts and leaders.

    Additionally, Barlovento Applus+ will participate on May 30 at 11:30 AM in the panel "Wind power: mechanisms to ensure certainty, confidence, and development of wind projects in the country." This panel will address key challenges and strategies for advancing wind energy development in Colombia.

    Colombia has established itself as a highly valuable market for renewable energy development thanks to clear and secure public policies that support its energy transition. The country has experienced significant growth in wind and solar energy generation, although this growth has also presented substantial challenges. Some of these are the need to improve the interconnection grid, promote energy storage, continue the construction of infrastructure and generation parks, and consolidate its hydrogen market. Additionally, it is essential to promote environmental and social licensing standards that involve the population fairly, fostering economic and social development along with an advanced and secure energy matrix.

    The outlook for Colombia is clear: to continue promoting its renewable development, serving as an example and benchmark in the region and the world. Energyear 2024 will be a key platform to discuss these objectives and learn from the experiences of other major powers. With its participation, Applus+ commits to supporting Colombia on its path to success, establishing itself as a leader in the renewable energy sector and ensuring a sustainable and self-sufficient energy future.

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