Applus+ revolutionises connectivity at Cooper Basin operations center with Starlink


    Applus+ tackles connectivity issues at a site in the Cooper Basin with innovative satellite technology, Starlink. Due to the remote site location, traditional wi-fi methods failed with limited access and Telstra outages. However, this innovative technology not only overcomes these hurdles but also enhances governance and support for operations at the site.

    The Operations Centre in South Australia accommodates up to twenty Applus+ employees at any one time and is one of its most remote site locations. The Applus+ team will undertake many types of testing and inspections at this gas plant including UAV inspections,  as well as Phased Array, digital radiography, and remote digital video inspections.

    The impact of Starlink at this site is palpable. With transfer speeds exceeding 100Mbps for downloads and 20-25Mbps for uploads, Starlink eclipses the performance of traditional NBN connections. Now, Applus+ personnel can effortlessly access and exchange critical documents, bolstering governance and support over operations.

    Applus+ Pacific’s Programme Manager, Randall Parker commented, “Starlink has accelerated our connectivity in this remote setting to be the same or if not better than most people have at their own home or business. This is moving us towards the implementation of remote worker programmes, coupled with mesh networks, this service is now closer than ever before. We look forward to exploring the possibilities that Starlink connectivity can provide for Applus+ inspection technology programmes and systems that we want to drive into our day-to-day operations.”  

    With Starlink now operational at one of its most remote site locations, Applus+ reaffirms its dedication to innovation. By overcoming connectivity challenges, Applus+ not only raises the bar for high-tech solutions but also reshapes the future of Oil and Gas Maintenance by removing geographical barriers.

    If you’re interested in finding out how we can help you, please contact us today.

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