Applus+ will perform the maintenance of environmental control equipment at Endesa’s thermal generation plants in the Balearic Islands


    Applus+ has recently been awarded the contract to perform the maintenance of environmental control equipment at Endesa’s thermal generation plants in the Balearic Islands. This contract covers the five thermal power plants that this client has in the region and includes the preventive and corrective maintenance of the air quality network and the corrective maintenance of the emissions measurement network.

    The three-year project will require the exclusive dedication of four technicians, supported by the rest of the department’s specialists. This highly trained and experienced team will also be responsible for implementing a data acquisition system for 13 air quality measurement stations. One of the main challenges will be to maintain data availability of over 95%, which has led Applus+ to deploy technicians on each of the main islands of the Balearic Islands, Mallorca, Menorca and Ibiza, with a control post service on each island.

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