Applus+ Projects: TRANS-SAFE Ensures Vehicle Safety in Africa


    The revolutionary TRANS-SAFE project, involving Applus+ IDIADA, aims to promote the transformation of road safety in Africa to reduce fatalities from traffic accidents. It focuses on five areas of work: safe vehicles, safe speeds, safe roads, the safety of vulnerable users and actions and care after an accident.

    The coordination of TRANS-SAFE is undertaken by Technische Universität Berlin. The safe vehicles area of the project is led by the innovation team of Applus+ IDIADA Passive Safety Department. Víctor García, R&D Project Engineer - Passive Safety, tells us that he joined the project as an intern and was later promoted to R&D engineer. Currently, his work focuses on providing advice on vehicle safety, based on the condition of vehicles in different African countries and the socio-economic context. He also generates business opportunities in the five mentioned areas of work and collaborates in testing improvement proposals arising from activities carried out within the framework of TRANS-SAFE.

    The project involves 27 partners, including governmental institutions, universities and research centers. The funding, amounting to 3.8 million euros, is entirely provided by the European Commission; Applus+ IDIADA receives approximately 65,000 euros.

    Victor outlines that long-term goals include reducing road deaths in African countries through implementing infrastructure design improvements and safety policies, encompassing both road and vehicle policies. In the short term, efforts are focused on establishing working groups in African countries to develop these proposals and provide support to local road safety organisations.

    Project partners, both European and African, are responsible for implementing the approved proposals in their respective regions: the former adapt existing policies in Europe to the needs of African countries, while the latter oversee and adjust these proposals for local operation. Additionally, dissemination and training activities have been carried out for local institutions and authorities in the participating countries.

    The main challenges of the project include implementing proposals in a culturally diverse context and ensuring effective communication among partners. To address these challenges, investors and private companies are being sought to facilitate the implementation of the proposals. Collaboration with authorities in each country is also sought to streamline logistical implementations. The generation of innovative ideas is encouraged through monthly follow-up meetings, during which team members propose new activities and next steps.

    Víctor comments that TRANS-SAFE provides visibility to Applus+ IDIADA and offers new business opportunities, such as collaborations in research and vehicle approvals in Africa. Additionally, the project aligns with our sustainability objectives, as it promotes a change in African transport that contributes to the Sustainable Development Goals by reducing the number of accidents and improving road safety overall.

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