Applus+ projects: VoC Morocco certifies compliance with imported product quality standards


    To safeguard the quality of imported products and protect its citizens, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Morocco launched the Verification of Conformity (VoC) Programme in 2020, which aims to ensure that products comply with the requirements established by local and international regulations. Applus+ submitted a winning technical offer that led to the awarding of the contract, giving rise to VoC Morocco. Leading this initiative is Laida Alonso, Technical Director of the Business Unit North Africa & MLF in the Energy & Industry Division. 

    The Ministry of Industry and Trade of Morocco has chosen Applus+ as one of the selected companies to issue the Certificates of Conformity required to ensure compliance with import quality standards for consumer imports. This represents a crucial challenge for Applus+, not only due of its scale and complexity but also for its potential to establish new knowledge bases within the company in the provision of Global Trade Services (GTS), an areas in which the company previously had limited experience. Laida, who also holds the position of Country Manager for Algeria, supervises and leads the operation of this programme.

    The main objective is to ensure compliance with the requirements established by the Ministry, offering a fast and quality service. The client portfolio comprises companies exporting to the North African country, mainly from Spain, China and Turkey, which need to obtain a Certificate of Conformity issued by an authorised entity. The process includes the physical and documentary inspection of exported products, covering a wide range from auto parts to household appliances, as well as verification at the destination to certificate forgeries and conduct controls. 

    The coordination of the project is possible thanks to the integration of different teams: the technical office in Spain, the offices that issue the certificates in the exporting countries and their control in Morocco. This organisation is managed through a software platform specifically designed for the project,facilitating global management and synchronisation, ensuring an efficient service. The control team in Morocco has a platform directly linked to that of the Ministry to manage the local part of the project.

    “This programme contributes to protecting the Moroccan population by ensuring the quality of the products that enter their consumer market," says Laida. 

    One of the greatest challenges faced by VoC Morocco was the suspension of two competitors in 2023. Applus+ had to take on a much higher workload with the same resources, which led to changes in the project, explains Laida: "We set out to completely redesign the management process, with the aim of achieving optimal levels of scalability and efficiency. And we succeeded”. One of the keys was digitalisation and process automation , as we applied advanced technologies such as augmented reality in the daily operations of the project. In the future, we expect to implement other tools such as artificial intelligence. 

    Thanks to the company's ability to adapt, what was an adversity ended up becoming an opportunity: after the reincorporation of the competitors that were suspended, Applus+ has managed to retain its client portfolio. Our technological capacity has positioned us at an advantage, allowing for the renewal of this project at the end of the year. 

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