In Applus+ we render comprehensive services to the customer by providing specific solutions to their needs in terms of climate change. Thanks to our broad knowledge of the different environmental management fields for different activity sectors and the high level of specialization in services related to climate change and carbon management, we are able to provide complete, concrete, and operating solutions to our customers.


We offer technical consulting services specialized in the full carbon management process at organizations, from greenhouse gas (GHG) emission quantification to the definition of mitigation plans, emission offsetting, and climate change adaptation.

Design and calculation of GHG emission inventories (footprint) related to organisations and products or services, according to international standards (ISO 14064, GHG Protocol, ISO 14067).

Advisory services on the implementation of more sustainable and efficient production strategies and models in order to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions generated by the organizations’ activities, products, and services. Goal setting, roadmap definition, and deployment of action plans to reach neutrality.

We specialize in:

  • Net-zero strategies, decarbonisation plans and roadmaps concerning emissions mitigation and offset, and adaptation to climate change effects.
  • Carbon footprint design and calculation (regarding organisations and products/services) according to recognised standards (ISO 14064, ISO 14067, GHG Protocol, TfS-chemical sector). Own web software to calculate organisations’ carbon footprint (scopes 1, 2 and full scope 3 categories).
  • Water footprint design and calculation (ISO 14046) and environmental footprint (EU Product/Organisation Environmental Footprint-PEF/OEF).
  • Life cycle assessment (ISO 14040/44) for products and services, according to ISO 14040 and ISO 14044.
  • Life cycle assessment (LCA) and life cycle costing (LCC) at the design and post-construction phases (One Click LCA software) to meet BREEAM and LEED requirements in buildings.
  • Technical assistance related to the EU Emissions Trading System (EU-ETS): emission permits, free allocation applications, follow-up and notification plans, periodic GHG reports, and audits.
  • Energy plans, climate change, and air quality for public administration authorities.
  • Flexible mechanisms of the Kyoto Protocol based on projects (CDM, JI) and voluntary reduction-offset projects (VCS, Gold Standard, etc.).
  • Calculation of emission baselines, KPIs, and project-related reductions.
  • Analysis of compliance with sustainability criteria according to EU taxonomy.
  • Applications for projects related to GHG emissions before different government programs (carbon footprint registration with national and regional registries, project processing (Proyectos Clima (FES-CO2)), “Reduce Tu Huella Corporativo” program, etc.).
  • Calculations and technical reports on greenhouse gas emissions and climate change.
  • Environmental Education and Training 

In the current context, carbon management and climate change risks and opportunities are becoming increasingly important in organizations’ management policies. 
All companies should take action by measuring, assessing, and implementing actions to reduce the carbon footprint, which is increasingly demanded by different stakeholders in response to: 


  • Legal requirements under regulations that are each time more demanding in terms of climate change.
  • The need to participate in public and private tenders that value positively the existence of carbon footprint calculations or to participate in GHG emission quantification and/or reduction programs.
  • Compliance by customers with climate change or inventory emission specifications in order to access to or maintain their approval as suppliers. 
  • Reporting needs arising from sustainability indexes and programs in which organizations participate. 
  • Access to financing under sustainability criteria (funds, green bonds, etc.).

The solutions provided by Applus+ in consulting and technical assistance projects within the sphere of GHG emissions quantification and decarbonization allow improving –beyond the well-known benefits of cost savings and legal compliance– the information available by incorporating the “carbon component” into business decision-making, enabling:

  • In general, identifying the most important sources of emissions at the organisation, with an aim to focus efforts on mitigation plans, climate change business strategies, carbon neutrality plans, etc.
  • Analyzing the environmental benefits that arise from implementing organizational measures, such as teleworking, travel policies, or business mobility plans.
  • Valuing the impact caused in terms of emission reductions by the adoption of measures in operations or changes in the facilities.
  • Evaluating the effects of procurement or waste management over the organization’s total emissions, so as to adopt environmental criteria upon contracting.
  • Analyzing emissions arising from product logistics and how they are affected by the adoption of different types of measures, such as route and load optimization or the use of less polluting vehicles in the distribution fleet.
  • Valuing the costs related to the improvement of product and/or service design, incorporating carbon costs in the analysis.

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