ASSP Kuwait conferred the Gold Award in the Management of Driving Safety to Applus+ in Saudi Arabia


    We are delighted to share the news that Applus+ in Saudi Arabia has received the Gold Award in the Management of Driving Safety category from the American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP) Kuwait Chapter. This recognition is part of the ASSP Gulf Cooperation Council HSE Excellence Award, signifying our commitment to leadership, excellence, and exceptional performance in Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) within the Gulf Region's private sector.

    The ASSP Kuwait Chapter, a non-profit voluntary organization, instituted the Gulf Cooperation Council HSE Excellence Award to spotlight organizations like ours, which uphold HSE management as a core business value.

    At Applus+, we take pride in our commitment to operational safety. We specialize in providing comprehensive health and safety consultancy services in the areas of occupational health and safety, ensuring compliance, and helping our clients derive the maximum benefit from their workforce, suppliers, and operational sites. Our focus on proactive measures and continuous improvement aligns seamlessly with the values celebrated by the ASSP Kuwait Chapter.

    To quote our esteemed Executive Vice President, Brian Dawes, "This Gold Award is a testament to the collective dedication and hard work of the Applus+ in Saudi Arabia’ team. We celebrate this success with pride, knowing that our efforts in Health and Safety Certification and Consultancy have played a significant role in achieving this milestone."

    We extend our heartfelt congratulations to the entire Applus+ in Saudi Arabia team for this remarkable achievement.

    As we celebrate this milestone, we look forward to continuing our journey of excellence in HSE management, setting new benchmarks for safety standards, and contributing to the advancement of health and safety practices across industries.

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