In Applus+ we understand that environmental permitting is the comprehensive consulting process aimed at obtaining, maintaining, and subsequently managing different environmental permits.
We support our customers in the key phases of project definition and initial processing, so that –apart from obtaining the permits and authorizations– the process may be speedy, and its content may not restrict sustainability and activities viability.
We work with our customers to address the changes in the environmental regulatory framework in relation to authorizations, to meet its requirements or to evaluate the adaptation to the best available technologies.


Over 30 years of Applus+ experience in environmental permitting projects for private and public organizations give us a comprehensive vision of this service, so depending on the needs of each project and for their different life cycle phases, Applus+ develops different roles in environmental permitting works.

We provide advisory services to our customers in project viability initial studies, identifying the administrative procedures to be followed, assessing alternatives, and developing the documentation and studies required to obtain environmental permits.

Our specialization in key areas, such as environmental assessment, the study of best available techniques, proposed preventive, corrective, and offset measures, or the definition of specific monitoring plans guarantee the incorporation of the environmental variable into our works in a balanced manner and according to regulatory and legal requirements. If it is useful, we become involved in responding to administration authorities’ and stakeholders’ demands in the environmental permitting process.

During the work phase, we offer environmental management services to cover the requirements set in the different permits and authorizations, which allow following the natural environment and/or the receiving environment.

During the operating phase, we help our customers renew/update their authorizations, study sector or transversal MTD documentation, analyze the importance of expected modifications, make periodic reports to administration authorities, etc.

If there is one thing that makes us stand out, it is our capacity to form multidisciplinary teams in each project. We have consultants with broad experience and knowledge in environmental applications, project environmental assessment and monitoring, studies on the environment, and consultants specialized in sustainability (ESG). Experts in environmental inspection, industrial security or ORP provide support as specific staff, as required.

The broad implementation of Applus+ and the multisectoral experience of its team (specialized in industrial sectors, energy generation, utilities, and services, as well as large infrastructures) reinforce not only the technological and regulatory knowledge required to develop environment-related procedures but also the capacity to identify specific sector or territorial needs and requirements that are fundamental for success.

As trusted partners, we support our customers in obtaining environmental authorizations and permits, develop other related sectoral studies (such as in relation to dangerous substances or environmental responsibility), are able to commission and maintain teams and networks to monitor impacts or act as an accredited entity in the controls preceding commissioning.


Traditionally, environmental permitting services are identified with the phase of initial authorization and project design. However, they comprise all life cycle phases and have evolved to satisfy the need to manage environmental authorization procedures in an effective manner.

Applus+ helps its customers integrate the environmental variable into each project, not only by developing the most traditional works arising from environmental processes (EIS, IEA basic projects or other reports to obtain authorizations), but also by participating in previous viability valuation phases, anticipating unexpected requirements, setting action plans and working to reduce project rejections, the infringement of authorizations and/or penalties.

  • Search for solutions: The approach of our services concerning environmental procedures and authorizations allows us to respond to and contribute solutions covering the needs of industrial customers, administration authorities, and other public organisations.
  • Knowledge and contact in each area: we act as intermediaries with competent administration authorities by contributing to projects not only the specific territorial knowledge but also strategies and solutions that administration authorities are applying in other territories.
  • Comprehensive projects for permitting process success: we provide a comprehensive and integral vision of obligations arising from environmental authorisation procedures, cooperating habitually with the environmental areas of our customers, with project heads, business areas and other support areas, such as communication, legal affairs or compliance.
  • Anticipating changes in environmental authorisation procedures, thus guaranteeing the compliance with current requirements.

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